About us
Znanost u prolazu (Science in Passing) is an event during which public spaces are transformed into arenas intended for public learning and scientific discussions.
Through series of workshops and lectures we provide citizens with an opportunity to meet scientists: Who are they? What does their job look like? Why are they into science? What scientific breakthrough did they make?
The goal of the event is to break the myths surrounding science and scientists and make the general public more familiar with science, hoping that our programme will inspire young girls and boys to pursue a scientific career.
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What is Science in Passing?

The aim of this event is to make science more approachable to citizens. Even though many Croatian research organizations organise open days, science nights etc., during which citizens can visit their premises, this is one of the rare occasions where scientists go to public spaces and change the perception about what it means to do science, what does scientific research look like, one day in the life of a scientist etc.
What makes us special?
The unique feature of this event is that only female scientists come on as presenters, who share their stories about what gets them excited and why they think they have the best job in the world. This adds value to our event by promoting women in science and inspiring girls and boys to become scientists themselves. Through media coverage of this event, the objective is also to get science into the media more as we feel that representation of science and scientists in the media is insufficient.
This series of events started in 2022 with the first event held on 5 March at one of the most frequent public squares in Zagreb – Cvjetni trg. There is certain symbolism in this date as it is the weekend ahead of International Women’s Day and, as was explained before, the event features female scientists only.
The Zagreb event was followed by additional events in two other Croatian cities – Sisak in September 2022 and Rijeka in October 2022. On 4 March 2023 we go back to Cvjetni trg in Zagreb. See you all there!

Upcoming events
Zagreb, 8. ožujka 2025.
Zagreb, 8. ožujka 2025. Ove godine Međunarodni dan žena pada u subotu, što je idealan…